How long will I have to wear braces?

It really depends on how much work there is and how far your teeth need to be moved.
Stable braces usually take between 12 and 24 months, but they can take longer if the problem is severe.
Removable braces usually take less time than fixed braces. You may need to wear removable braces before and after you finish your treatment with fixed braces.
Your dental team or dentist will advise you about your braces and teeth. If you don't follow their advice, braces can take a long time to work and the treatment may not work. This can also delay healing if your braces are damaged or torn.
When should I go to see my dental team while I'm wearing my braces?
You will need to have your brace adjusted regularly to make sure it is working properly. Typically you will need to visit every six to eight weeks. You must go to these visits, otherwise, the braces will take a long time to work.
Is the second visit for braces painful?
Your mouth is very sensitive to change and it will take a few days for you to get used to wearing your braces. Initially, your teeth may feel uncomfortable because of the pressure that braces put on them. Plus, it can feel uncomfortable and tight against your teeth once it's adjusted.
Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol may help. Some parts of braces can also irritate your gums and lips, causing pain in some places.
Your dental team or dentist can give you clear wax to place on the part of the brace that is causing discomfort.
However, if any part of your brace continues to be sore after a few days, you should go back to your dental team or dentist.
Do braces affect your pronunciation?
Sometimes when braces are used, it can affect your conversation and cause problems with pronouncing certain words. Litigation can also be a problem in the beginning. But most people quickly adopt it and start speaking clearly within a few days.
What should I avoid with braces?
Nail-biting and chewing on your pen or pencil can damage or break your braces.
Can I play sports while I am wearing braces?
If you have removable braces, it's best to take them off and put them in the braces case. You can buy these from your dentist or most major pharmacies. If you do remove your braces, it is important that you use a mouthguard and then put your braces back on as soon as possible.
It's best to take your braces off even if you're swimming. If you have fixed braces, you should wear a mouthguard designed for use over the braces during body-touching sports. Your dental team will make a mouthguard for you.
Can I play an instrument with braces?
Braces can affect the playing of blower instruments, although you should get used to it with practice. If your braces are removable, it is best that you remove them and put them securely in the braces case. Wear this back after playing.
Can I eat normally with braces?
Eating the wrong foods can damage or even break your braces. For the first few days, it is better that you consume soft foods.
Whatever the type of braces you have, you should avoid foods that are high in gluten, require a lot of chewing, and are high in sugar. Chewing gum is not recommended as it can stick to your braces. Avoid hard foods like whole apples, carrots, French bread, and crusty rolls. These foods can break the wires and brackets that are part of your braces.
Initially, it is best to cut your foods into small pieces and stick to a bland diet. Food can accumulate in the brackets between your teeth and will require careful cleaning to remove them.
Avoid bubbly beverages, sodas pop, carbonated beverages, and natural fruit juices as these often contain high amounts of sugar and can be acidic. This can lead to tooth decay and caries. In addition, bubbly beverages can make the brackets of your braces stained.
If you drink these types of beverages, don't sip the beverage - use a drinking tube instead. Water and plain milk are the safest beverages.
Why should I take care of my mouth when I wear braces?
You must put in the necessary effort and time to keep your teeth and braces clean. This will help you avoid problems like tooth decay, swollen gums, and 'decalcification of teeth.
Decalcification occurs when you lose calcium from your teeth' surface and can cause white spots on your teeth after braces are removed. In addition, you should continue to have a general dental check-up by your regular dental team while you are receiving denture treatment. This is to ensure that your teeth and mouth remain healthy.
What should I do if I lose my braces or they become damaged?
If you lose or damage your brace, tell your dental team or dentist as soon as possible. Don't wait until your next meeting. If you are not wearing your braces or they are not in proper condition, it affects your healing and can cause your teeth to return to their old state. Dentists may ask for money to replace lost or broken braces.
How should I clean my mouth and braces?
Thoroughly clean your teeth and braces after each meal. It is better not to brush your teeth for at least an hour after a meal. Pay special attention to each tooth and the gum around it.
Which products can I use while wearing braces?
Total care kinds of toothpaste contain several active ingredients, such as fluoride or tartar controlling agents, which make them effective toothpastes with multiple functions. They help in controlling plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease while also making your breath fresh.
You can use an electric or 'power' toothbrush, though make sure you reach all of your teeth. Talk to your dental team or dentist about special small brushes that are suitable for cleaning teeth while braces are worn.
Interdental brushes can help you clean fixed braces. They can get in between your teeth and are best for cleaning around the brackets of fixed braces. You can get these from your dental team or pharmacist.
You can use dental thread to remove stuck-on bits of food, this will help keep the dental thread under the dentition cords.
Exposure tablets contain a harmless pigment that gives color to plaque. This makes it easier to see where the plaque is while brushing. This will help you make sure that you are brushing your teeth properly. This can be obtained from your dentist, pharmacist, or supermarket.
Using fluoride mouthwashes regularly can help prevent tooth decay and decalcification of teeth. You should only use them if your dental team or dentist recommends them, and make sure you follow their instructions.
How should I clean my temporary removable braces?
Your dental team or orthodontist will teach you special techniques for cleaning braces. It's best to clean your braces in a cistern filled with water so they won't get damaged if you drop them. Keep a toothbrush set aside just for cleaning your braces. Use a toothbrush to clean it. Scrub the braces gently with a brush and then rinse them thoroughly with fresh water.

All information and articles available on this site are for educational purposes only. The information given here should not be used without any expert advice for the diagnosis or treatment of any health related problem or disease. Always seek the advice of a qualified doctor for medical examination and treatment.